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New Year, New Goals

I have to admit that I have never been much of a golfer.   My set of golf clubs sit in my garage at home while I write this.   I cannot remember the last time I was out on the links.   There is word that I have heard golfers share from time to time:  a mulligan.  As I understand it, it means that the golfer uses the option to  try a new shot.

It is a new year, and in these early days of 2024 we get a mulligan.   We get a  new shot at life and in our real estate and/or real estate note business.  I suspect there are some things about yourself that you would like to be different in 2024 than last year.   Diet and exercise are two common things that folks want to be different in a new year.   Perhaps you also want some things to be different in your relationships this year-  with your family or with a person you have been meaning to re-connect with but have not.

A new year is also a good time to examine your real estate and/or real estate note business.   Here are a few tips that  I am doing in these early days of 2024:

TAKE TIME TO LOOK BACK-  Take some time to review your real estate and/or real estate note business for 2023.    What went really well, and what went not so well.   Did you reach your goals for 2023?     Did you have failures and what did you  learn  from them you want to incorporate in your business this  year and in the years to come?     Whether your business went well or not so well, do not spend considerable time patting your self  on the back or in condemning yourself.   You cannot change the past and you certainly cannot relive it.

TAKE TIME TO SET GOALS FOR THE NEW YEAR AND THE STEPS THAT ARE GOING TO HELP YOU REACH THEM-   Set goals for this new year.   What steps are you going to take to reach those goals?    Be realistic in your goal setting.   For example, if you did not purchase or sell a single property in 2023 it would not be wise to set as a goal to purchase one property a month this year.    Take time to regularly review where you are on your goals.   If you are accomplishing your goals faster than expected, feel free to revise your goals.   If your steps are not getting you where you want with your goals, feel free to revise.   Perhaps market conditions have changed.       

A final thought:    Market conditions have changed.   It is a different market  than it was one year ago or even 2 years ago.   However, there are still ways  that you can succeed if you are willing to adapt.   Best wishes in your real estate pursuits in 2024.-   R.L. Wall

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